Thursday, June 24, 2010

Other Big Accomplishments - or Why I am on a Diet

Reflecting on my post about getting a medal for doing well in school it occurred to me that it correlates perfectly to why I have to diet now. There is a stark contrast between running pre-grad school vs. running now, I looked at my running log and crunched some shocking numbers.

Here are the stats:
In the 2 years before I started my grad program, I ran 1,242 miles.
In the 2 years since I started school (and working full time), I ran 635. Note that 83 of those I've run since joining the office diet bet and my decision to go one class per quarter for spring, summer, and fall.

Honestly, I think I am sharing this because I wanted to show off my other medals, because deep down nothing is cooler than getting a medal. My friend Amol says we run so we can eat junk food, which is kind of true, but I think I am more keen on the medals. And obviously I didn't give up the junk food until recently despite slacking on the running.

This is my homage to my first (and only) full marathon. I'm not going to lie. Running a marathon pretty much sucks. I tear up just thinking about doing it again.

Here are my numbers from every half marathon I've run. This is truly my preferred distance. My best race was the one with my name on it. I ran a 2:07. Which is no Boston Qualifier by any means, but it's a 9:45 pace and something to be proud of at that distance. I ran that the month before I started grad school.


These are all the short distance races I've run in, plus some numbers from the Chilly Hilly Bicycle Ride - which is chilly, hilly and brutal, I'm not sure that I could be talked in to doing that again. The 2:45 half sign is there because I was helping to pace the Seattle Half. For that you only run a 10k.

And for the grand finale, my running medals! They sparkle. Also now that I look, I realize one of them isn't here. For the Nike Women's Marathon, a hot fireman in a tuxedo hands you a Tiffany necklace when you finish. I should sign up for that race again.
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