Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Marination Mobile Tacos

Inspired by the very popular Korean Hawaiian Taco Truck. This version of the "sexy tofu" isn't that hard to make. I just marinated extra firm tofu in Soy Vay Teriyaki marinade overnight.

Grilled it up, and topped it was some bok choy and shitakes. Really super good! Easy! Not quite the real thing, but since I rarely get to go, it will do.
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Monday, July 5, 2010

Cantaloupe Fantasia

I just got a cantaloupe in my CSA box and I was a little dismayed. It used to be prosciutto e melone was my favorite way to eat cantaloupe and at first I wasn't inspired to eat this one. So I bought some fake ham and faked it.


This was nothing to write home about, but it did make me realize cantaloupe is plenty tasty to just eat plain. But I also remembered the delicious watermelon salad we've had a few times and tried something similar with the cantaloupe. This is spring onion, purple basil and cojita with chunks of cantaloupe. Really Really Really good.
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Thursday, July 1, 2010

Soup and Sleep Days

When I get a cold, there are two things I like: soup and sleep. A trick I picked up during my study abroad days when I could just go to bed if I wasn't feeling good. I was feeling pretty crummy at the beginning of June, so Charlie made me his specialty: garlicky paprika tomato soup with toasted cheese. SO Yummy.

And later I made my other top comfort food, top ramen. This bowl featured shrimp, baby bok choy and shitake mushrooms. And of course and egg stirred in to thicken the broth.
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