Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Acorn Squash Custards

Living with a CSA box in winter means you have a never ending supply of winter squash. I wanted to stuff the squash to be more entree-ish, but I didn't want to add more carbohydrates to my meal, so I came up with custard. Fancy and easy!

Acorn Squash Filled with Custard
Serves 2 (Double the recipe for 4)

1 acorn squash
2 eggs
1/4 Cup Milk or Cream (I think you could use plain soy milk here)
1/4 Cup Parmesan
1 Tb chopped sage
1 Tb Butter
Salt and pepper

Preheat the oven to 350. Cut the acorn squash in half and remove the seeds so that you have two bowl shaped pieces. Put the squash in the oven with half tablespoon of butter in the cup of each and a sprinkle of salt and pepper. Let the squash cook while you prep the custard. In a bowl, or better yet pyrex liquid measuring cup with pour spout, crack your two eggs and mix them with the cream, parmesan, sage, salt and pepper. You may want to add the parm or cream slowly because you will want a bit less than a cup of total liquid. Keep the cheese and milk to equal amounts. Take your squash halves out of the oven and place them on an oven safe pan - I actually used a muffin pan so I could keep them even, you don't want your custard to pour right out. Once you've got your halves positioned, pour the custard in to the top, don't go over. If you have extra custard, you can cook it in a buttered ramekin. Bake the custard filled squash halves for 35 minutes. Enjoy!

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