Thursday, March 3, 2011

I miss the Green Cat Cafe

The Green Cat Cafe was a fabulous vegetarian restaurant on lower capitol hill's Olive Way. I loved everything on their menu, but two things I've had some success in replicating are the Buddha Bowl and the Tofu Scramble.

Buddha Bowls are a classic veggie meal - stir-fried tofu and vegetable atop brown rice with some peanut sauce. I've seen a billion variations on this with different sauces and vegetable combos, and being creative is totally the way to go with this. Still, pictured below is a classic combo that you can't go wrong with.

Green Cat's tofu scramble was special in a few ways. It was made heartier by being served on top of delicious roasted potatoes and the combination of curried tofu, broccoli, carrot and onion was simple and satisfying. The secret to good tofu scrambles is to add a tablespoon of nutritional yeast to the tofu. Nutritional yeast is one of my favorite things right now - it provides good protein and B12 to vegetarians, plus it tastes like nutty Parmesan cheese. It's umami amazing.
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