Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Green Gifts?

 An evening of xmas shopping at Northgate presented some new food for thought.    Should I try to get green gifts for people and if so what is a green gift? I suppose we could have gone for experience gifts, but that adds up with so many people on the list. Walking up and down the mall, we didn't see a lot of options. Please send advice!

We did pick up some books for the nephews that had some greenish messages and a recycled paper journal for my cousin who is off to London in January.

We got Charlie's mom's gift which is probably not green, but since Audrey Tautou is their new spokesperson, we'll let that slide. On a side note, I realized that my shoes have worn out and a quick perusal of the Nordstrom shoe department has left me thinking that there are not a lot of veg shoe options. Does anyone know of any?

And on yet another side note, this is the veggie option on The Ram's happy hour menu. It's pretty tasty and filling, with a lot of good vegetables. And only $4!

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  1. One green thing I like doing is wrapping people's gifts in canvas tote bags -- very reusable! :) Plus, I get them free at most conferences I go to.

    A collection of good used books tied up with ribbon is very green... I'm also a fan of anything home-made...

  2. Excellent ideas! Tote bags. That is going on my list of things in general that i need to be better about. I forget and end up with plastic.
